Thursday, October 1, 2009

sues autobiography continued

ok katrina hit iwas working in the hospital when it hit terrofied fear of dying
patients crying crashing noises the water poured into the streets building shaking
walls shaking floors shaking stench no water hot exhausted zoning out staring in disbelief no communication pictures on tv of people on roofs patients dying alone
and there was I just numb unable to handle it any more i smelled i was tired
scared and iwanted to be with my family
we all waited for the hospital to provide transportation but none came we were on our own co worker dropped me off at baton rouge mall and I walkedaround dragging my only posessions I thought I owned smelling tiered wearing pjs i wore 5 days
in the scorching heat OMG ..the drive to baton rouge was ...painful sad
trees uprooted power lines down houses flattened,,or was that the ride to alabma?
i was just numb i felt this sickness deep inthe pit of my stomache
got to alabama wher keveinand the kids were with my mother in law and my sisterin law with her family and her 90 lb dog with our 40 lb dog cramped in a small smallhome with no air condition
i immediately took a bath i slept for almost 3 days getting pissed at
me wanting me to wake up at 8am feed my kids and my hubby wtf?
the entire time i kept think i was dying i went to the doc 3 times there
i was not the same person i was and will forever not be the person I was prior to katrina
we went home and our house was not damaged much
but carpets pulled wet furniture.but i couldnt get out of bed i felt horrible
i just couldnt do anthing again i kept going to docs 2 a week,I thought i was dying
reading in medical books and believing i hadthat disease i was obsessed with it i constantly was on the internet reasearching diseases.i couldnt sleep i cried i shook
i stayed in bed for days ,all day,in the dark staring into space
and then then there were these thses horribl horribble flashbacks of the hurricane
OMG i was i felt like i was living katrina again i worried about finding work
what work i coulnt even get out of bed fear fear i told the er docs i do know i am dying i called them liars ,,,itwas bad so bad,,,,,

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