Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ok it is now xmas eve dec 24 2008 and even though i am not a child,i do love xmas so
very much.I think xmas to me represents love and peace and joy,It brings out the best in all of us,And ,yes ,virginia there is a santa ,that lives in each and every
one of us, i do get so so so gleeful,giddy,giggley ,and i just cant contain it,
xmas is friendships and love and hope and faith and again love,Friendships
are the most precious gift one can have,Good true friends ,the ones that are there for you,the ones that makes you smile ,the ones that makes you laugh,the ones that
cries with you the ones that believe in you the ones that accepts you the ones that holds your hand the ones that shoulder you cry on.friends are just the best thing
one can ever have.and you should treasure them respect them love them hold them
dear and near to your heart, and you shoiuld thank God every day for bringing them
to your life,
I am so so so grateful for my friends,for ,they were the bright light that
shined in the once dark existance i called my life, But,they listened they cared they were there they supported me they made me realize the beauty of life they
made me feel alive again.I cherish the friendship i am just awed at how wonderful
friends make you feel.
and again,xmas is about friends family peace love...

ahhh I thank my good friend els for making me laugh making me feel alive.
for just being herself and for me being able to be me,and for her to accept
me .for celtic I thank her for listening to me ,not judging me accepting me
and my depression,,,and those long emailing chats that lasted for hours.
and to both els and celtic i feel as though you are the sisters i never had
els and celtic ,God bless you and yes,the coin toss fantasies and those
girlfriend boy talks hehehe els and celtic I love you both dearly.
and guys i have not forgotten yall.Ron,i remember the first day i saw you
on tdtv lol with ron,I was hooked the moment you spoke,You had the greatest smile ,this intoxicating laughter.and the music ,i found myself boggieing down with it
your humor was medicine for a a poor sad soul as mine.and you just made me laugh
as i have never had for so long,You too did not judge me ,but gave me the support that i desparetly needed.You were there for me ,when i needed someone to talk to
and even though ,you are miles ,apart ,in another country,i FELT the love ,the warmth
the gentleness in your voice, God bless you ron.I have been touched by your
kindness for ,to you I was a total stranger.You ,ron showed love to a fellow human.
remember one love one world ron I love you dearly and i am so proud to call you my friend,
ryan,you ,my young,sweet ,timid,gentle guy,You my friend were also there for me,at those times during my horrid bouts of depression,you gave me hope and encouragement,showed me ,the beauty of the world ,and all that th world has to offer me and all that i can get from the world,You shared your music to me ,in hopes that
listening to it would calm me down,You too accepted me accepted my illness
and though miles and another country seperating us ...I felt you near and dear to me,
you put up with many of my compulsive habits you shared your music you gave me words of encouragement the music your music gave me a place and a moment to just be
just close my eyes and listen to the sounds and be .Ryan,you too have touched my life and i am gratful to call you my friend,And i too love you dearly
And ,finally jason good old jason,You were there too chill me out too calm me down too make me laugh,Haha and you were always good for a friendly political discussions You were there to see me thru the rough spots ..and to just listen too me bitch about ,,well you know ::) you accepted me respected me made me laugh
made me smile,and i too am glad to have met you and i am proud to call you my friend.
and you appreciated my nawlins cuisine ::D I know jason that this will continue to grow,I AM TOO PROUD TO CALL YOU MY FRIEND AND i love you dearly too


with all my love
merry xmas

peace out

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