Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I havent written in this blog in awhile,and lotsa stuff have happened,sad,sad,stuff. And stuff,stuff,I should have seen coming,but ,in my ultimate divine wisdom,decicided ,that someohow,i could convince people to
change their minds, Only if I try hard enough. And you believe this ,in your mind,
and,you have all these conversations ,inside your mind,you have it all planed out.
You know that somehow things will,change.
And its funny because you did that when you were a child, Its almost sorta like,dorothy in the wizard oz ,i can,keep repeating over and over he will forgive me
or, all those conversations you tell to yourself,you keep them there,
you repeat stuff over and over, Its,as they say in this book I am reading,your inner
And,I am sad,becuase,this guy ,I hardly know,and I allowing my inner self,
to make me sad.Why? Perhaps I just am so desperate to have someone,someone ,besides my family, to understand me, And ,yes,I did BAD things to him,or rather said bad things to him,but he did too.and it hurts so damn bad,
yes ,right a stalker me

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